Create a happier workplace
Bring your teams together with a fun way to publicly recognize and praise each other on Slack!
Platform for sharing wins company-wide
Setup is easy peasy
Add Praisely to your existing Slack workspace just by using your Slack log-in.
Anyone can do it
With a simple command and a few kind words, any employee can highlight a coworker’s achievements.
Happiness on the house
No subscription, no fees, no advertisements, just love.
Great teams celebrate each other
Get Praising
Your people do great things every day. Give them a platform to share those wins.
Teams use /praise to recognize someone for a job well done. Praisely announces the praise and encourages others to “+1” for additional merit.
Check for Stats
Each team member has a personal Panda Board with highlights including how many praises they have sent, their most recent praise, and their most popular praise. Full stats and praises from across your team can also be exported.
Draw for Prizes
Take the love one step further with a random praise drawing! Select the timeframe and eligible users. Praisely creates a custom, interactive experience to select the winners.
To make your next billion-dollar business, you have to create hockey-stick growth. But first, you have to build a killer product. And you can't do that until you solve the right problem. At 352, we bring experience and rigor to this process, to get you further, faster.